The gogoBrain is a simple circuit board based around the ATmega328P microcontroller. The clock is a 16MHz crystal oscillator. The pinout includes sections for three LEDs, a piezo buzzer, SPI for the display, and two pins for a two-axis analog joystick. Each section has its own power and ground. To save space, there is no on-board power regulator. Instead, power is assumed to be supplied by a 5V USB wall adapter. This board will operate at 1A.
The gogoBrain V1 is designed to be built by hand on a “mini” sized solderable breadboard. The layout is intended to reduce the number of cuts and jumpers.
The gogoBrain V2 is a manufactured circuit board. Power is still supplied by an external 5V USB adapter, but a filtering capacitor is included to accommodate the power draw from the display and piezo buzzer.