BA100 Stardrop

  • Shell: Argus Pre-Viewer No. 660
  • Firmware: Stardrop™
  • I/O: LCD Display, Analog Joystick, Piezo Speaker, R/G LED Indicators
  • Power: USB 5V
  • Spirit: Green Helicopter

The BA1 family is built from the “Argus Pre-Viewer No. 660”. It features double lenses and a mid-century look and feel. This Pre-Viewer color scheme is a WWII-era two-tone green.

This is the first prototype for all Type IV Shells. It was rescued from a pile at a thrift store. It features a modern Vita joystick and custom faceplate.

This is an 8-bit video game and nightlight that plays Stardrop™.

BA103 Stardrop

  • Shell: Argus Pre-Viewer No. 660
  • Firmware: Stardrop™
  • I/O: LCD Display, Analog Joystick, Piezo Speaker, R/G LED Indicators
  • Power: USB 5V
  • Spirit: Golden Alligator

The BA1 family is built from the “Argus Pre-Viewer No. 660”. It features double lenses and a mid-century look and feel. This Pre-Viewer color scheme is a WWII-era two-tone green.

This one is the third in a matched set of three.

This is an 8-bit video game and nightlight that plays Stardrop™.

BA102 Stardrop

  • Shell: Argus Pre-Viewer No. 660
  • Firmware: Stardrop™
  • I/O: LCD Display, Analog Joystick, Piezo Speaker, R/G LED Indicators
  • Power: USB 5V
  • Spirit: White Rabbit

The BA1 family is built from the “Argus Pre-Viewer No. 660”. It features double lenses and a mid-century look and feel. This Pre-Viewer color scheme is a WWII-era two-tone green.

This one is the second in a matched set of three.

This is an 8-bit video game and nightlight that plays Stardrop™.

BA101 Stardrop

  • Shell: Argus Pre-Viewer No. 660
  • Firmware: Stardrop™
  • I/O: LCD Display, Analog Joystick, Piezo Speaker, R/G LED Indicators
  • Power: USB 5V
  • Spirit: Gray Fighter Jet

The BA1 family is built from the “Argus Pre-Viewer No. 660”. It features double lenses and a mid-century look and feel. This Pre-Viewer color scheme is a WWII-era two-tone green.

This one is the first in a matched set of three.

This is an 8-bit video game and nightlight that plays Stardrop™.